Group News
Open Positions
The Chalifoux research group is always looking for talented undergraduate and graduate students. Prospective graduate students that are interested in joining the Chalifoux group are encouraged to apply to the chemistry graduate program at the University of Alberta. Undergraduate students should contact Professor Chalifoux directly by email.
The Chalifoux research group currently has no funding for postdoctoral scholars. Individuals with their own postdoc funding (NSERC, AvH Foundation, Fulbright, etc.) are welcome to send their CV to Professor Chalifoux by email.
The Chalifoux group is committed to creating a diverse environment and is proud to support the idea of equal opportunity in the sciences. All qualified applicants (graduate and PDF) will receive consideration for admission/employment without regard to race, colour, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status.